Know problems and answers using Skalc


Skalc know problems : 

Some time "Go" or "Find" don't work fine!

Physical Palm "Up" and "Down" button don't work !

I get a memory error when loading Skalc !

Two competitors get the same name !

Skalc crash when Palm shut dowm !

Skalc parameters are not initialized !

Skalc is very small in a 320x320 display !

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Skalc solutions or workaround :

Some time "Go" or "Find" don't work fine!

 It may occur if the sequence is partialy defined

 Even if the initial competitors sequence is the right sequence, it's better to reenter each start number.

 Skalc version 1.2.2 automaticaly set start number not yet defined when marks are entered. But the generated sequence in not perfect !

Physical Palm "Up" and "Down" button don't work !

 Right, after some pen click the scrolable list loose the input focus and the physical Palm "Up" and "Down" button don't work any more.

 Just click into the scrollable list with the pen to restore this functionnality.

 For the same reason, you need some time reselect the data entry field on the Palm screen. A blinking cursor indicate witch field has the input focus. If no field has the input focus, just click with the pen in the choosed field.

I get a memory error when loading Skalc !

 You have the message "Waba VM Notice - An error was found in the program being run by the WabaVm. Error: can't allocate memory Please notify the program's author" before Skalc start.

 This message was observed wen using the network with some release of the IR software.

 If it's occurs, before starting Skalc go to Preference/Serial and set IR to "Cradle", then go to Preference/Network and try to connect network and just cancel the connection.

Two competitors get the same name !

 Suddenly two different competitors have the same name. This problem was one time reported but we can't reproduce it.

 The data are not affected, only the name of one competitor is changed with another. You can rename the wrong competitor name with the right. Use the marks to distinguish both competitors. Remarks, the competitor are always located using the initial order into all saved memo.

Skalc crash when Palm shut dowm !

 After Power off/on I get the message : "Waba Virtual machine version 1.0 for PalmOS / WabaVM installed and ready"

 This is due to the usage of security feature (hack, security program, launcher) who interupt the Waba Virtual Machine to do their job when Palm power off/on. When it give back the control, they only restart WabaWM but not Skalc.

 Just inibit the start-up security feature during the competition. If it doesn't work, uninstall the hack or application.

 It seem than Skalc can just save the data before the WabaWM stop.

Skalc parameters are not initialized !

 I am a registered user, the last help screen indicate this but the prefered skater is still "unregistered" and all parameter (Nb Judges, factors,..) aren't initialized.

 The reason is probaly the structure of the 4st line, when you copy the data to synchronise your default memo containing your keys the <Tab> characters between 4st line fields are remplaced by one or multiple <Spaces>.

 Just replace spaces between fields with one <Tab>. You sould type the <Tab> character with the keyboard or with graphity dot-F (ponctuation, F)

 The standard line 4 is : "1 0.0 A 5 0.5 A 5 1.0 MySkater" fields separated with <TAB> :

1 = Current part
0.0 = Factor0 (used only for qualification, elsewere 0.0)
A = T or A for part 1 (put T for short programm)
5 = NbJudges1
0.5 = Factor1 (used for combining two parts)
A = T or A for part 2
5 = NbJudges2
1.0 = Factor2 (used for combining two parts)
MySkater = Preferred skater name (competitor)

 You can change those default parameters as you need but keep the parameters order and <Tab> separators.

Skalc is very small in a 320x320 display !

 Skalc was designed in a 160x160 black and white device.

 For some customer I recompile Skalc using SuperWaba, I use also this version on my old PalmV but I recommand you test this version of Skalc on your device as I don't be able to test myself this version on all devices !

Any more questions or feedback ? Don't hesitate to ask us ! 

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