Frequently Skalc ask questions :



Skalc questions : 

Are the results always right?

Why, when I save the same competition and category Skalc creates a new memo?

Entering the marks on the Palm is slower than speaker information!

I have mistyped the sequence, how to correct it?

How to suppress competitor?

What is the order of the skaters when entering the sequence?

How to manage a competition where the qualification influences the final rank?

Can I use this program if the marks are between 0 an 10 ?

The program did not find my skater!

Why my reports titles are not always the same ?

How can I cut & paste between fields ?

How Skalc deal with the memory and how many Skaters can we use ?

I lose my data when I press some Palm physical button !!!

How to create an empty category ?

 See also our known problems list...

Skalc answers : 

Are the results always right?

The results are usually right but some factors can give some wrong results :

 the Technical or Artistic prevail is not in accordance with the real competition

 one or more marks are wrong

 you misunderstood the speaker

 the part factor is wrong

 the official team use OBO-1998 rules, you use an older Skalc version (v 1.2.1 compute only OBO-1998) or your competition name end with 98

 the official team made an error (some times happens ! )

 a bug occurs in the program (if it occurs, we are interested in all information about it)


Why, when I save the same competition and category Skalc creates a new memo?

 During a competition all people are under stress. An error can quickly occurs. For this reason, its better to save each time a new memo and do the housekeeping after the competition. The most accurate information is in the last memo with the same name.

Entering the marks on the Palm is slower than speaker information!

 You can type only the numbers (with all the zeroes) and the Skalc program translates them to the right values, but often the speaker speaks very quickly. It is always recommended to write the result on paper and double check the data.

I have mistyped the sequence, how to correct it?

 Reselect the current part in the Param screen, go to the List screen and correct it. Due to the fact that the sequence must be unique, when you correct a number another can automatically change ! Check the whole sequence after modification.

How to suppress competitor?

 The best way is to edit the memo before loading the data (before the random sequence attribution, all the skaters are queried for presence, licence, music,...)

 After loading, you can carefully edit the (WORK) memo, suppress the competitor and renumber all the other skaters. Before, it is a good idea to save the data twice and edit only the last one.

 If you need to suppress some competitors between first and second part (perhaps first part only qualified a part of the skaters), you must reorder the 1rst part sequence using Skalc to give lasts starting numbers to the eliminated skaters. After that save the data and suppress the eliminated skaters records. Print the first part reports before to do that!

 You can also ignore them, but COP/PIF will be shifted for everybody by the same offset.

What is the order of the skaters when entering the sequence?

Two different orders facilitate you to type the random sequence number as they are known. But it is also a good idea to write them on paper :

 For the first part this is the order you type them into the memo (usually according to the official list).

 For the second part the order this is the Rank of part number 1.

How to manage a competition where the qualification influences the final rank?

You can edit the (WORK) memo and give the following information :

 the qualification factor in the second field of the second line (actually 0.0)

 the qualification rank for each skater in the second field of each line (actually 0)

Can I use this program if the marks are between 0 an 10 ?

 probably yes, but test carefully with previous competitions before using it live !

 the only problem is that you can't type the 10.0 (but who obtains 10.0 ? )

The program did not find my skater!

 the name in the param field or the name in your skater list are not matching

 the name in the param field must be in the same case (upper / lower) than in your skater list

 the name with accents (European names) does some time not work

 for the personal version, the name is not in accordance with your licence key

Why my reports titles are not always the same ?

Depending on wich OBO rules you use, the title change

 OBO-1998 use Win (Winners) and JiF (Judges in Favor)

 OBO-2000 use CoP (Comparative Point) and PiF (Points in Favor)

 Remember if you load a competition wich name end with 98, Skalc use OBO-1998

How can I cut & paste between fields ?

 The used version of Waba don't implement interaction with Palm Clipboard.

 Sory, it is not yet possible. For this reason, prepare competitor list in your PC before the competition.

How Skalc deal with the memory and how many Skaters can we use ?

 The used version of Waba limite the class memory to 64 Kbytes.

 Skalc allow 36 skaters.

 Demo version limite to 8 skaters !

 It is possible than with 36 long name skaters, 9 judges and 2 part, we can reach out of memory ! For big category, use small names and perhaps compute independently both parts as two separate category (unfortunately without Final Rank). Loading and Saving use also a lot of memory

 It is recomended to write marks also on a paper and to save often the data !

I lose my data when I press some Palm physical button !!!

 When you press involuntarily some Palm button, the PalmOS interupted Skalc.

 But Skalc save your data (as with the Save button) before the exit.

 You can restart Skalc and reload the data. Be carefull to write new marks on a paper if the competition continue during this time.

How to create an empty category ?

 Type the new category name and try to load it. It buzz an error but reinitialise all the information.

 You can now set the parameters in Param screen and create your competitors entry in Mark screen ("Club" users only).

 If your competition use the OBO-1998 rules, the competition name must end with 98 (ie IceCup98).

 But those old rules applied only after you save and reload the data (perhaps during the first warming-up session).


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